Updates, Thoughts, and Where I've Been.

podcast Jun 11, 2023

It has been a while since I last created a blog post. I know, it has been long overdue but I won't deny that a lot has happened in the business, which is why I wasn't able to put up a blog post and a podcast episode. Nonetheless, we're slowly getting back slowly but surely.

Before, I used to be so challenged about putting up a podcast episode because I was all about audio and visuals, meaning the podcast episodes I put up needed a nice background where I can record, and I'm so happy at that time that I had a friend who allowed me to make her house my setting, and that allowed me to reach multiple platforms as well such as on Instagram, on YouTube or Facebook, and even repurpose these contents into newsletters. You see, it was a whole lot of processes and preparations to put up content but I was so happy on doing that because I can still manage everything by myself, thanks to my planner! The situation now has changed though, and let's tackle them as we go along.

In November 2021, I decided to shift how I run Spaces Organized & Styled because I had this feeling in my gut that I wasn't helping my clients enough and there was still more left on the table. This is why I changed from dealing with organizing alone, to really diving deeper into what causes my clients to find it hard to organize, let go, and things like that. For some, all that mattered were for the homes to look Instagram-worthy, but I'm not the one to go for that. I'm all about what works for my clients, even after I leave their homes.

The team and I were able to launch a course this 2023 as well! At the beginning of the year, we conducted a 5-day workshop about mindset and how to reframe your mind which is a perfect year-starter I would say because it will help you navigate the new year with new empowered thinking with a purpose. If you're interested, it's one of the things that you can get when you enroll in my course which is Removing the Roadblocks to Achieving Your Goals in Life. Learn more and join the waitlist here.

As it's only limited for me to accept sessions with clients, I'm putting up new podcast episodes about organizing and diving deeper into that as well so you're able to do the work without me being present in your home. If there are specific challenges that you want to deal with that are related to the challenge of letting go, holding on to things, etc., you may also book a 1-on-1 coaching with me through this link!

What has been taking most of my time besides working with clients is taking courses and programs that will help in building the business in the best way possible. There was a lot of training and certifications that happened in the last year, and there is still more that is happening. I feel like the education process never ends.

With that said, the goal is to take a holistic approach to organization. If you want to learn more, listen to the new podcast episode here, and don't forget to give a 5-star rating, as well as leave a review! I would greatly appreciate it!